So, I may have been off the grid when related to fitblr, but I haven’t COMPLETELY lost track of my fitness journey! I’ve stuck around 42-45lbs lost since I definitely have lost track of the gym, but I have still been eat relatively well! As I’m trying to recover from my depression relapse, I’m hoping that seeing this difference (even from a month-old picture) will motivate me!
I started off wearing size 18 or 20 jeans, and I’m wearing 14 or L, depending on what it is….my L leggings are pretty loose! As for tops, I started wearing XL or XXL and am now wearing mainly M! My bra size has also gone down two band sizes, and believe it or not, my SHOE SIZE has gone from an 11 to 9.5 or 10, and I don’t have to wear wides! (Now THAT is pretty weird…)
Beside the physical aspect, I can go up multiple flights of stairs without getting winded. I can run for 2 minutes straight, and for 30+ minutes without getting cramps in my side like I always used to. I can actually *do* sit ups and push ups! While my blood pressure had always been near perfect considering my high weight, it *is* perfect now. I’ve seen a few old friends from high school–some that I’ve known for over eight years–over the past month or so for the first time since I’ve lost weight, and they are saying that I look like a completely different person. I’ve been asked out a few times and flirted with by guys I normally wouldn’t be. I get more likes on pictures that I post on Instagram or Facebook than I ever have before.
It’s a journey, and it’s hard… but it’s worth the inevitable ups and downs, but it’s definitely worth it.
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