In the first picture you can see a person who was ready to give up on life but decided to try to fight for it once again. She wasn’t very positive before but the day she was taking that picture she believed she could finally change her life, even though her friends and family started laughing when they heard she was going to start again, she somehow knew it was the beginning of something special and she wasn’t doubting herself for the first time! She wanted to finally start living her life! Even though she seen a reflection in the mirror of the person she hated with all her heart she decided to try to take care of that person… And that day changed herlife. It took her just a few months to transfer, it’s not only about the loss of more than 100lbs but she’s changed from a pessimist who would never leave her bed,use food to cheer herself up,cry at nights,self harm and watch pictures of underweight girls treating them as her inspirations TO a positive, full of life and energy GOAL DIGGER!Her journey has taught her that she shouldn’t compare herself to anyone, it let her discover how strong she is, she saw she could achieve ANY goal she wants.She went (and still is going)through a beautiful but very hard and challenging journey learning more and more about herself everyday. She doesn’t remember anymore the last time she cried seeing her own body or the last time she had to binge on food to feel better.Even though she’s not yet where she would like to be she truly loves herself, she no longer has unrealistic, unhealthy goals and she doesn’t try to cheat in order to get the ideal body, she WORKS HARD every single day to reach her goals. That girl is me… And I LOVE MYSELF! I understood it’s not possible to walk always on the ‘clean’ path, we always will have some obstacles to fight but they make us stronger! The most important is to keep going, no matter what, pushing as hard as we can! I believe people are able to do amazing things,we can change anything and GET anything we want it’s just a matter of the right mindset,determination and hard work! Remember it’s never too late, forget the past, forgive yourself, TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE!❤️
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