Wednesday, November 25, 2015

I have a problem with binge eating at night! I'll go through most of the day eating a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner and exercise for 30 minutes. But at the end of the night I end up binge eating so much unhealthy food and I'm not even hungry. What can I do to stop this?

Hi! Night is a problem for a lot of people, so don’t feel like it’s just you.

My suggestion is to change your routine. You are doing something right now which is most likely a trigger to eat. Like … watching tv, maybe?  

We get in habits of eating while doing a particular thing (watching TV, reading, scrolling the net), and then, whenever we do that thing, it becomes a trigger for us to eat! 

A book I read about breaking habits suggested that it’s easier to REPLACE a bad habit with a good one that to just try to STOP the bad habit and not replace it. So, if you find yourself wanting to eat while watching TV, maybe you can get down on the floor and stretch, instead, or do some leg lifts or sit-ups or something like that.

Or, maybe it’s right after dinner and you crave something sweet then? In that case, I’d suggest you brush your teeth and go for a 15 minute walk around the block or some other activity to get past that trigger time and form a new, healthy habit.

If you can identify the ‘trigger’ and work on finding something else to associate with that trigger, then it will be easier to break the habit.

Also, if it’s one particular food that’s calling to you in the night, maybe get it out of the house? 

I hope this helps! 



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