Thursday, November 26, 2015

Anonymous SubmissionLet me just start by saying I am sucking in...

Anonymous Submission

Let me just start by saying I am sucking in equally hard in both photos lol

I’m at the lowest weight i have been in four years! I’ve lost weight many times in the past but each time was somehow on accident. However, this time it was with a conscious effort, and I’ve finally learned to understand my body/mind and what it needs to carry on this journey and maintain once I’ve reached my goal (~20 lbs to go!). Some things that worked for me:

- Realizing exercise is a privilege and appreciating that everything that my body can do.

- Not stuffing my face in the comfort/privacy of my own home after work. I get out of work earliest 7PM and fell into the habit of grabbing take out on the way home (a lot of it), inhaling it, then going to bed right after. After I got that bad habit under control, I realized how much better I was sleeping and how my body bloating went down considerably.

- Understanding that my body needs only so many calories. I’m a petite woman that works a desk job - I do not need to consume 3000 calories a day. I don’t count calories but I know I am hitting a much more appropriate count.

- Appreciating the small victories. Clothes fit so much better! I can finally close button up shirts that used to gape open. The muffin top situation has been neutralized!

- Trial and error is my friend. I have experimented a lot with food and seeing what is conducive to my body’s fat loss AS WELL as my sanity throughout the process. I EAT CARBS and a lot of them. As a vegetarian, it would be way too difficult for me to cut out carbs/go keto and it would be setting me up for failure. For me, I can eat basically anything as long as it’s not a particularly high sodium food. I try to stick to healthy, whole foods, but let me just say I have never liked salad and to this day hate it and will never order it as a meal bleck

This blog has been so helpful and inspiring to me and I hope my small rant can contribute positivity to this awesome community.


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