Saturday, March 26, 2016

kmillan23 submitted: I’ve always been chubby and I’ve tried...

kmillan23 submitted:

I’ve always been chubby and I’ve tried several times to get healthy and always end up falling short. I was in decent shape and then had to get an acl replacement that set me so far back I had no motivation to try again and just fell off the wagon. Some family drama kept me there, battling depression, and just not wanting to do anything.

In trying to treat my depression, I decided to start being active and eating healthy again. I started with the Dr. Oz 3 day cleanse, which I realize doesn’t help lose weight in and of itself, but definitely does help restart your body and program it to crave healthy food. I would definitely recommend for anyone who is into sweets and salty food and can’t kick the habit.

I was consistent for about two months and then got into a car accident, where I had facial trauma that made it basically impossible to eat and dangerous to exercise. Eating was difficult and uncomfortable, so I would eat milkshakes, or other high calorie foods to make sure I wasn’t undereating, but would eat one or two small, but very high calorie, meals a day, which obviously took a toll on my body.

After three months I was healthy enough to get back into the swing of things, and motivated more than ever because of an upcoming trip. Fast forward 2 more months and here I am, at least back to where I started before the accident but with even more muscle.

I eat pretty clean, oats and fruit almost every morning, chicken and vegetables for lunch, and a relatively healthy dinner with snacks in between. I cheat. I eat ice cream and pizza and burgers, but only when my body is screaming for it.

I use Daily Burn cardio programs 5 days a week in the morning, weight train at the gym 5 days a week, and do yoga 2 times a week. This is not 100% of the time. This is my goal. I do not beat myself up if I do not reach my goal.

SW: >190
CW: 178, the two in between are about 175 and 185.
I don’t weigh myself too often, it’s discouraging. I was the same weight for over a month but could see gains all over my body.

I haven’t lost 100 pounds, and I’m not at my goal yet (have abs and do a handstand 😂) but I am making progress. I wanted people to see that if you lose track and gain all the weight you lost back, you can lose it again. Don’t lose hope. I gained 20 pounds after my knee surgery and I let it destroy me, but living an active, healthy life is so much better!

1st photo July 2015
2nd photo September 2015
3rd photo January 2016
4th photo March 2016
sorry it’s a real bra not a sports bra, I started taking progress photos at work and have just continued in the same spot.


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