Wednesday, March 2, 2016

kelseygetfit: Transformation Tuesday My goal is to always be...


Transformation Tuesday

My goal is to always be 100% honest and open with you guys. That being said- after totally rocking January doing H&C, I feel like I bombed in February. I kept up with my workouts but my eating was far from perfect. I know that I’ve come so far though and I refuse to give up on myself.

The thing is- not all progress is seen on the scale or even in photos. I feel like I made a lot of mental progress in February. I really struggled with feeling that winter depression creep in and I’m so thankful to have such an amazing team who helped me through it. I also made it to the point where I no longer let the scale define me. I am so proud and thankful for my body and all it has done/does for me that letting a number make me feel bad about it just seems silly.

πŸ‘‰πŸ»The scale is just a tool to help measure progress- it does not define our worthπŸ‘ˆπŸ»

Now that March is here I feel like it’s a clean slate and I am so ready to get back on track with my eating. Not because I’m worried about the scale- but because of how it makes me feel! Thankfully I have my no guess work container system so it’s easy to get back on track 😍

Thanks for your continued support ❤️


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