Thursday, October 1, 2015

bollodearroz From 220lbs to 175lbs in 10 months just by...


From 220lbs to 175lbs in 10 months just by doing this:

1. Go to a medical check up and check yourself, Doctors are there for you.

2. Take measurements of height, weight, IBM and %body fat. (at the doctor or nutrition centers)

3. Calculate BMR and TDEE ( total daily energy expenditure), this is the basis for achieving a good nutrition level while checking your caloric intake. (look up for online calculators)

4. To Keep your weight, eat your TDEE, For Losing weight is TDEE -500kcal, To gain weight is TDEE +500kcal. (Myfitnesspal is a great app to keep a nutritional and caloric intake record, but there are better ones.)

5. Cardiovascular exercise that raises the heart rate is very important, do it 3-5 times a week. (Biking, jogging, aerobics, brisk walking, skating, C25K, etc.)

6. Repeat all steps every six months. Keep on track, don’t go back and put science on your side.

addme 4322chan in myfitnesspal.

I feel great now, thankyou for all the motivation and support.


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