Thursday, January 26, 2017

fitness-with-limitations:If anyone says you can’t, you can. 18...


If anyone says you can’t, you can. 18 months of inconsistency in the right direction. 5'11", 195lb before, no idea now, but honestly probably 180ish. F a scale πŸ’ͺI’ve realized I’m much like Chris in Parks and Rec, trying to health away a chronic illness. BUT I don’t want to get to a point in my life where something happens and I’m told “if you’d taken better care of your body this wouldn’t have happened” or “this wouldn’t have happened yet”. There are so many inevitables, I want to make sure this machine is running as well as it can! Still have a ways to go but I feel good. Blessed to have a body. Period. (Sorry the pictures are so dark, dang basement bathroom lighting πŸ˜‚)


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