cringyuri submitted:
first pic: 138 lbs
second pic: 127 lbs
made significant progress in a few months :)
cringyuri submitted:
first pic: 138 lbs
second pic: 127 lbs
made significant progress in a few months :)
I know I haven’t posted in forever but here is some transformation Tuesday!
Anonymous Submission
height: 5'2"
before: 158 (highest was 163) | during: 137.6 | goal: ~110
over 25 pounds down from my highest weight - doing yoga or some other exercise almost every day, and eating smaller portions of healthier food! still have a ways to go, but I’m loving the progress I’m seeing!
Just when I am tempted to step on the scale, I take pictures. The scale does nothing but make you feel defeated. The proof is in the pictures- not the scale.
Transformation Tuesday (a few hours late) 2013 to now. I’d say there’s possibly a 3st difference between the two and I completely forgot I used to look like that. That was the very first bikini I owned and wore.
I’ve come so far! I love my sleeve ❤️️ #wls #vsg #vsgcommunity #vsgjourney #vsginstacrew #vsghotties #wlscommunity
Start Weight: 197lbs
2nd photo: 178 lbs
3rd photo: 153 lbs
44 pounds down 30 to go
This is a difficult journey. I’ve gone through so many ups and downs in the past year. I still find myself wandering off my fitness path but I want to look like Sandra Prikker dammit!
Healthy eating and drinking 2 liters of water a day. Also 1-2 hours at the gym times a week.
I love what I’m starting to look like and I feel so strong.
You guys should see my skin. I’m 29 but I look like a 22 yr old. Water is my bff!!
This is my face transformation. I have to say I am shocked. What the f*ck is that fat ring around my chin? I can’t even remember that. By the way the difference is -40 pounds. The first picture has taken in August the second is right now (January). I am still fat but 40 lbs matter a lot - now I see.
5 Months Post Op Update!
Surgery Date 8/29/16
Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG)
Starting Weight: 261
Surgery Weight: 246
Goal Weight: 145
Height: 5'2Current Weight: 177
Weight Left to Lose: 32lbsMeasurements:
Pants US Women’s size 22 to 10
Shirt 2x (plus sized) to Medium (standard)
Chest 44 to 36This has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. The struggle has been real, finding new ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. Realizing food was/is/can be an addiction. Here’s to better self-care, life decisions, and continued progress!
Haven’t done this in a while. I finally bought legit workout gear. I’m 0.5 lbs from my first goal weight. I maxed out my squats at 245 lbs. I am up to 480 lbs on the sled leg press.
3 sizes down. I still feel like I don’t look all that different but numbers can’t lie I guess??
Posting this for #MotivationMonday 🙌🏻💕
Because what is a life without goals, dreams and aspirations?
“Chase after what inspires you. Learn from what has broken you. Appreciate what has mended you. & embrace those who love you.”
Know your worth, and honor every single piece of your growth.
I do not think I have looked much different the in past few months, heck maybe I look worse. But, at least I don’t look like how I did before right? *nudge nudge wink wink*
Anyways, I do feel stronger. I love feeling my biceps, even when doing the littlest thing, like drinking water in front of the computer. My problem is all the chub around my muscles! I suppose I should do more cardio related work outs in hopes of losing my chub, though I might have to accept some loose skin regardless.
Always striving to be better than before, sometimes falling to my weakness of sweets and binge eating food.
Worked out 5/7 days this week.I took advice from a fellow fitblr and meal prepped my breakfasts! It was great, filling, and healthy! I did however, eat some chicken wings and pasta… my bad.
I was very surprised at all the notes i got last week, so thank you all for the support. I did pretty good this week, only had like two bad meals. I decided that I’m going to post progress photos every month, to remind myself how far i’ve come as motivation not to give up. i am so shocked at the results though. it feels amazing. I am just so happy.
I’m up 7 pounds.
Current weight: 240
I’ve lost .75 around my hips, 1.25 around my thighs, & i lost track of what my arms were, i think i may have gained an inch, i’m not sure though. And there were no change around my waist.
It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward. -Old Chinese Proverb quotes
I know I took them just 20 days apart from each other but since the first ones are pretty close to what I looked like when I started, I take this as my monthly progress.
Even if I didn’t lose as much as I wanted during the last two weeks, I am still happy to see that. The waist got much smaller, I lost a lot of the fat around the ribcage and my thighs got a lot slimmer.
Can we just take a moment of silence for my ass that has disappeared over the past few weeks and that needs to be re-built (and trust me I plan on it).
Losing fat has its pros and cons but the progress is there so I’m happy!!
Down three inches from October. 179 lbs-167lbs Not much, but it’s a start!
10 months or so apart… On the left, I was around 170ish. Now on the right, I’m about 140. I’m a completely different person. The girl on the left was depressed, felt worthless, & didn’t feel as if she deserved much from anyone because of certain circumstances. But while the girl on the right isn’t perfect & may not have it all figured out, she’s trying. That’s what it’s all about: trying. Getting up each day & telling yourself to just do the damn thing. Whatever it is you’re battling: a breakup, weight loss, school, family issues, finances, etc. You can and WILL figure it out. As long as you try.
I like the idea of transformation pictures so here’s mine ^u^ I lost 50 pounds by walking every day and going vegetarian =3
today’s the last day of the first week of my last semester of college! In honor of everyone telling me how different I look thought I’d do a little transformation picture. Left: May 2015 and Right January 2017
Here’s a little transformation Tuesday for you. The first picture is from 2013, the second was taken today. There are days when I look at myself and don’t see a single difference, and THAT is why progress photos are so important. Starting to get back into losing weight after maintaining my current weight loss (~75 lbs) for over a year. Let’s motivate each other!
Two years ago vs today. Almost 60lbs between the two picture!
*Sorry for the length of the post that follows!*
I had attempted to lose weight countless times before but going into it this time my mindset was a little different. I had always thought “do it for the ‘oh you got hot’ or as revenge for all the people that called you nasty names. Instead, this time I decided to do it for me, for my physical and mental wellbeing and to be taken seriously in my future career (w.e that may be). That shift in thinking made all the difference!
Had you taken this #transformationtuesday pic and showed it to the me on the left I would have looked at you in both disbelief and estacy. But I would have said something along the lines of “I will never look like this” because my self confidence was non-existent. Fast forward to today… I’m prepping for my first bikini show, live to help and share my passion for health and fitness with others. I’m ready to take on the world. As impressive as my physical transformation may be, I believe the emotional one to be WAY greater.
#TransformationTuesday: I’m beginning to embrace the fact that I am far more powerful than I would give myself credit for.
#vegantransformation #iUsedToBe300lbs #selflove #weightlossjourney #losingpounds #iusedtobefat #getfitordietrying #vegan #veganfitness #lifestylechange #healthychoices #beforeandafter #fat2fit #born2transform #veganlifestyle #thickfit #girlsthatworkout #selfie #BeYourBestSelf #sisterlocks #goaldigger #blackvegan #blackvegansofig #atvegan #txvegan
#100happydays #day81 One sports bra, three weights 😂 Cleaned up my diet a bit in January and the baby abs are starting to peak through! 🙌 #comethru #lol #fitness #weightloss #youbetterwork #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodyconfidence #selflove #selfcare
I always post new selfies and talk about my weight loss mission but never take the time to truly appreciate it. My entire middle school year and coming into freshman year, I was bigger. I knew I was pretty but I didn’t accept all of me so I changed what I was doing and now I’m 60 lbs lighter! SW: 203 lbs, GW: 175 lbs, CW: 135 lbs 💪🏾
Stay focused on your goals. Picture the end result and all the satisfaction it will bring.
A little before and after for you, I was never big before but I have dropped 2 dress sizes and certainly wasn’t healthy - the first picture I ate around 1000 calories a day, counted them, binged regularly and never exercised, I was just diagnosed with my kidney disease so I was depressed and didn’t leave the house, stayed in feeling sorry for myself constantly. Second pictures I’m healthy, exercise often no longer count calories but I know it’s waaaaay more then I used to eat and of the right stuff. I take care of
My kidneys and give them good stuff, I’ve been vegetarian for over a year now and plan on becoming vegan in 2017 🌺 all in all I’m worlds healthier mentally and physically - I’m going to uni this year and have a very close friendship group, a wonderful boyfriend and I’m the happiest I’ve been in a very long time. Bring on 2017!!!!!!