Wednesday, December 2, 2015

liv–fit: I haven’t done a progress pic in a while and I...


I haven’t done a progress pic in a while and I wanted to show off some of my new clothes from an awesome thrift store I just discovered! Buying new clothes every time I dropped a size or two got too expensive!

Left: 360ish pounds, size 3x or 4x
Right: 190ish pounds, Size m/l
Height: 5'7"ish

A year and a half of exercise and eating right and I’m almost half the size I used to be and a NASM certified personal trainer! I lost the first 100lbs in the first 6 months! For those who ask, I didn’t have any surgeries or take any pills! I just changed my eating and exercise habits, kept a positive attitude, and set S.M.A.R.T. goals! Get excited about your goals and your life, and do something everyday to get closer to them! You can be whoever you want to be! You got this!


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