Thursday, December 3, 2015

courtneybbblair: It’s been about a year since I started my...


It’s been about a year since I started my weight loss journey. Honestly, it started out as something as simple as wanting to be able to walk into any store of my choice and not wanting to feel ashamed when the largest size in the store was still too small for my body.
The first picture was approximately in March of 2013, right after I moved out of my parent’s house. I was probably weighing in around 330+ pounds, but never felt that big. And still to this day I have no idea how I didn’t. This is what drinking 4-5 days a week and an extremely unhealthy diet did to me. I was still only eating one real meal a day while also snacking on whatever was easy for me to take when I was going to school and work. You don’t have to worry about your jeans not fitting when you are wearing leggings all the time!

The picture in the middle was November 2014. I weighed close to 290, but again never felt that “big.” I was wearing 22/24 pants, 2x and 3x shirts, a 40-42D/DD bra, 3x yoga pants and skirts, etc. I was still drinking and eating whatever I wanted. It wasn’t until reality smacked me in the face when my biggest pair of jeans that I owned were too small, and it was then when I decided that I needed to make a change. I contacted a dear friend of mine who I went to high school with and have known for 10+ years. She was doing a beachbody program and having amazing results. So I asked her to help me set up a meal plan that I could follow while going to school and working 40+ hours a week.
The picture on the right was taken about a week ago. Im more aware and self conscious of my body than I have ever been in my life. I’m currently wearing a size 30 jean in my rock revivals and a 11/12 in regular pants, a 36 D bra, medium and large shirts. I am still so far from my ultimate goal, but making small progress everyday.
Now I focus more on progress, not just perfection. I am eating clean and training mean. I am very thankful to have some special supporters that I can turn to when I need some extra motivation and reassurance.


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