Saturday, August 1, 2015

August Goals!


Keepin’ ‘em pretty simple again… But that’s okay! I try to live by the idea that small things can make a big impact, which is what some of my goals are all about :-)

- Participate in Gratitude Thursday EVERY Thursday. I haven’t done Gratitude Thursday since the JSJ15 challenge (by mybigfatfitlife) ended. I want to make it a habit to do a gratitude post every week. Studies show that expressing gratitude makes for better mental health, and Lord knows I’m all about the science of mental health, being a Psychology grad and all. I want to improve my mental health, and this is a small but powerful way to contribute to that goal. 

- Participate in fatgirlgetsfitatlast‘s 365 day yoga challenge. I know the idea of this challenge was to do each pose one day a month for 12 months, but I’m a bit late to jump on that bandwagon. My idea was to add in a new pose to my yoga routine every day this month, and I thought the poses from the 365 day yoga challenge would be good ones to use. They aren’t all new to me, but some of them are. My goal is read about how to do the daily pose properly and then add it into my daily yoga routine. The new poses will help me learn and help me mix things up. For the poses I’m familiar with, I plan to improve my form by reading the pose instructions, and then to be particularly mindful in the pose for the day, to spend a few extra breaths there. I may or may not post photos of my poses.. I would like to but am not very savvy in figuring out how to photograph myself doing yoga :-P May ask Charles to be my photographer, only trouble is he’s not awake when I’m doing my morning yoga. I can always return to poses in the afternoon, though!

- Finish the month with stickers on every day of my workout calendar. I had this same goal last month and it was really motivating, so I’m keeping it! This means exercising 4x during the week, plus doing yoga every day. Weekend exercise activities (biking, walking, kayaking) are optional but encouraged. :-)

- Participate in fatmaninalittlesuit‘s Selfie Sunday every Sunday! This one has a similar purpose as Gratitude Thursday - improving my mental health by promoting my own self-love and self-acceptance through, what else, selfies! 

- Read FOUR books. Aside from my workout goals, which are a given, this will be the most time intensive goal this month. I’m including it because I loved the feeling of finishing The Silver Livings Playbook in less than a day, and I want to encourage myself to read more. Two books in a month just isn’t enough of a challenge. Plus this is the last month I’ll be unemployed, so gotta read lots while I can! I’ll be away camping a number of times, which is a great space for reading, since there’s no internet/cell service! 

- Digital detox. I wasn’t sure how to make this one into a specific, measurable, and challenging but achievable goal. One thing I CAN do is commit myself to NOT using or looking at my phone at meal times. This serves a dual purpose - digital detox AND more mindful eating, which is always good. I also know that using my phone right around bed time is a habit I’d like to change, but at this point I need to put some more thought into that one. It’s tough because when I’m heading to bed, Charles is on his way to work, and I like being able to talk to him while he’s on the bus to work…  

Great list! Thanks for the inspiration.


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