Sunday, August 30, 2015

reformedgymshirker: A crappy low-res, badly lit, chubby-during...


A crappy low-res, badly lit, chubby-during picture, to keep me motivated.  I always appreciate other people’s chubby-during pictures, as someone with miles to go it gives me something achievable to look toward. Thus am sacrificing the privacy of my midriff as an offering in return.

I’ve checked, and my weight was exactly the same two months ago (technically I was carrying more water weight in June, so in theory I’ve really gained weight, which just goes to show, the scale is a poor informant of progress). 

But my wellness has improved.  Now I am racking up 5 to 15k steps a day, (I love my activity monitor - that’s the only product I would ever recommend) and have got back to the gym a little.  I am sleeping better, less fuelled by caffeinated diet soda, managing my stress better, less IBS-ish (lower FODMAP), and my eating is more under control.

A lot of this is really reduced bloating and better posture, IBS management, and a tiny improvement in my core strength, and not just fat-loss.  I’m still in dire need of further unobesing, but it’s about 2 or 3 inches off my waist aka not feeling like your jeans are trying to surgically bisect you when you sit down.  My arse looks tragically flatter, but my glutes are much better under all that, it’s just going through a bit of a sad phase.  Sometimes you have to say ‘sorry arse and tits, but my cardiovascular system needs my love right now’.

My favourite thing about this is the fat fold in my back has reduced.

I guess the point is, going from very little effort to only a little bit more effort is definitely worth trying.  Rather than the ‘Go hard or go home’ mentality, it’s more ‘Go gently and try just a little bit harder, then go home and eat 85% cocoa chocolate’.

TW: diet exercise


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