Wednesday, November 2, 2016

tiniertim: I was 18 years old when I found out that a 20...


I was 18 years old when I found out that a 20 something man I worked with had passed away unexpectedly in the middle of the night. I had just seen him. He had so many dreams and plans and now they were finished, forever.

At his funeral, his 7 brothers and sisters spoke and sang and cried tributes to him, vowing to not let good deeds go undone since he proved you never know the day where tomorrow doesn’t come. I did everything I could to not realize that that could have been me in that casket.

Years later, I found myself broken, morbidly obese and miserable. My quality of life was non-existent and the quantity shrunk with each bad decision. I had tried to lose weight for all the wrong reasons in the past: love, lust, health, status, arrogance and ego. Mostly, I had tried to lose weight so I could avoid dying.

The one thing I had NEVER tried was to lose weight so I could actually START LIVING. I had sought only to avoid the nightmare of death but never had I tried to embrace the dream of life.

You cannot change yesterday or control tomorrow. Forgive yourself for yesterday, focus on today and love every living moment.

Your second life starts the second you do.


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