Friday, June 26, 2015

fat-to-workout-mat: I was 15 in high school weighing in at 260...


I was 15 in high school weighing in at 260 pounds. I had always been “the big girl” Heck, I was born almost 11 pounds! My parents were always working, I was left to take care of myself. I ate nothing but fast food, fried food, processed food. I didn’t realize I was slowly killing myself. How could a 15 year old be writing her own death sentence? I hated the way I looked. I hated shopping. I hated clothes. I was happy I went to a private school where I could hide in my uniform of khakis and hoodies and go home to my PJs. I could hear the whispers about me. I would make it home before the tears started rolling down my face. I feared I would only get bigger. Get unhealthier. How would anyone ever love me if I couldn’t love myself? October 2005 I was in a car accident where I fractured my back and pinched a nerve in my neck. I was bed ridden and medicated for days. Because I was on pills and knocked out I lost weight. I woke up realizing I am thankful to still be able to walk and I needed to take advantage of it. At 17 I moved to college. A new state. New friends. A new start. I started out taking health courses. Learning about the body, nutrition, and more. I walked to class, played late night volleyball, slowly did more activity. I was finally happy and it started to come off. Now here I am at 25 maintaining with new goals of building strength and testing my own dedication. My journey wasn’t quick. I did this over years. If I look back at all the times I gave up, yes, I could have been here sooner. But looking back I’m thankful for the journey. Most importantly, I’m so grateful for being a support system and inspiration to so many people who are where I started. They are the ones who keep me inspired and keep me motivated.

No gimmicks. Being active. Clean eating. Loving myself. Hard work. Dedication.


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