Me. On the left–2012. Depressed. Confused. No self esteem. Ate whatever. “Treated” myself. Sugar addict. Bloated. Tired. Couldn’t make it up a flight of stairs. Had no love for a lot of things. On SSRI’s. Thought I couldn’t lose weight easily due to thyroid disease. May have had a moment of fatlogic there guys….. didn’t drink enough water. Drank too much soda. Thought the gym was terrifying. This was right before I began EMT school….
On the right–this past Sunday. Same exact spot for the photo. I fixed my shit. no longer on depression meds. CBT. EMT certified. Helps people at my job–I make a difference. Paints pictures. Was a badass and lived overseas and learned a new language. Lost 34 pounds and still counting. Can kick your ass at squats and a bunch of other fun things. Goes to the gym as a stress reliever, no more sugar addiction, no more “treats” Most importantly I believe in myself. I love myself. I think you can see that difference in the photos.
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